Like men, women also suffer from low libido, skin problems like dry skin, and digestive distress, warns Dr Manisha Tomar.
Deficiencies in iron, protein and zinc can particularly lead to hair fall, warns dermatologist Dr Abhishek Pilani.
An improper diet that lacks adequate amounts of protein or low in certain vitamins can lead to hair thinning and excessive hair shedding.
One of the causes of rigorous hair fall is extensive over styling and hair treatments.
Tackle your hair and skin problems with expert help from Dr Dinesh Jain.
Educators, nutritionists and researchers are trying to call attention to the crisis of youth obesity. Today's generations are struggling with their weight as never before and this burgeoning obesity epidemic is expected to have a terrible impact on their future.
Indian women are increasingly finding themselves falling prey to this reproductory disorder -- here's what you need to know about polycystic ovary syndrome.